Lilac Buds
My lilac bush is tarting to bud out - leaves only at this point - and here is a macro shot of some of the leaf buds:

About 1.5x lifesized, made with Pentax DFA 100mm f2.8 macro on extension tubes. (I'm lucky to have a set of K mount extension tubes that have full contacts so that all auto modes are present with A, F, FA and DFA lenses.)
This is made form 55 files stacked in Zerene tsacker - 2 separate stacks that were combined in Photoshop. This image wa smade from out of camera JPG's. I also shot raw files and converted them using th eSIlkyPix raw file converter supplied with the camera, but the stacked images displayed some subtle aberrations (well - "smudges" better describes it) in the white space around the image. Hopefully with practice I'll get adept at using Silkypix in order to unleash the full detail contained in the iamge. As it - this image at full resolution show far more detail than I can see in the subject, even with effective 10x magnification.