Lingering Dragons
Saturday, November 14, 2009. It’s the day before firearm deer season, and the woods are bustling with hunters. Where on a July afternoon I could spend a whole day back in the game area and no more than pass a couple of cars, now guys in orange jackets stroll around planning and sighting, envisioning the buck that will land before them tomorrow, or maybe the next day.
It’s warm for November – still very warm. I have only one goal – to see if the autumn meadowhawks persist. I’m not sure what the record is, and I don’t really care. For my own purposes I want to see what they are up to…
And lo – they are present. Despite temperatures in the mid sixties their numbers are diminished. They are skittish and apprehensive. Whenever two come close they clash and then fly off. I see no mating pairs. None lay eggs. Maybe only the males are left – but many brilliant red dragons still roam the air.
They stopped obelisking and perching long ago – not much chance for even passable photos. But here is one, sitting on my knee…