Insects and Spiders
Karner Blue - Lycaeides melissa samuelis
Insects and Spiders
Dance Fly - family Empididae
Insects and Spiders
Chinese Mantis - Tenodera sinensis
Insects and Spiders
Casebearer Beetle – family Chrysomelidae
Insects and Spiders
Firefly - probably Photinus pyralis
Insects and Spiders
Grasshoppers on Red Flowers
Insects and Spiders
American Copper - Lycaena phlaeas
Insects and Spiders
Nursury Web Spider - Pisaurina mira
Insects and Spiders
Monarch Butterfly - Danaus plexippus
Insects and Spiders
Bee Hunter (Robberfly) - genus Laphria
Insects and Spiders
"Just Visiting" - unidentified gnat in abandoned hornet nest
Insects and Spiders
Flesh Fly - family Sarcophagidae (?)
Insects and Spiders
Lady Bug - family Coccinellidae
Insects and Spiders
Caddisfly (aquatic stage - in case) - order Trichoptera
Insects and Spiders
Caddisfly (aquatic stage - in case) - order Trichoptera
Insects and Spiders
American Copper - Lycaena phlaeas
Insects and Spiders
Honey Bee on Clover - Apis mellifera
Insects and Spiders
Coral Hairstreak - Satyrium titus
Insects and Spiders
Jumping Spider - family Salticidae (?)
Insects and Spiders
Robberfly - family Asilidae (possibly male Efferia aestuans)
Insects and Spiders
Swallowtail Caterpillar - family Papilionidae
Insects and Spiders
Luna Moth - Actias luna
Insects and Spiders
Luna Moth Wing Detail - - Actias luna
Insects and Spiders
Flesh Fly - family Sarcophagidae (?)
Insects and Spiders
American Copper - Lycaena phlaea
Insects and Spiders
Snow Fleas - Hypogastrura nivicola
Insects and Spiders
Snow Fleas - Hypogastrura nivicola
Insects and Spiders
Ambush Bug with Prey - family Reduviidae
Insects and Spiders
Common Green Bottle Fly - Lucilia sericata
Insects and Spiders
Green Lacewing - family Chrysopidae
Insects and Spiders
Insects and Spiders
Honey Bee - Apis mellifera
Insects and Spiders
Karner Blue - Lycaeides melissa samuelis
Insects and Spiders
Bee Hunter (Robberfly) - genus Laphria
Insects and Spiders
Eastern Tailed Blue - Cupido comyntas
Insects and Spiders
Green Bottle Fly - Lucilia sericata
Insects and Spiders
Flesh Fly - family Sarcophagidae (?)
Insects and Spiders
Tick on Grass Blade - family Ixodidae (?)
Insects and Spiders
Tick on Grass Blade - family Ixodidae (?)
Insects and Spiders
Karner Blue - Lycaeides melissa samuelis
Insects and Spiders
Eastern Tailed Blue - Cupido comyntas
Insects and Spiders
American Copper - Lycaena phlaea
Insects and Spiders
Midge on Trillium Flower - family Chironomidae (?)
Insects and Spiders
Cicada Hunter - family Crabronidae
Insects and Spiders
Mantid Fly - family Mantispidae (?)
Insects and Spiders
Ant with Recently Shed WIngs
Insects and Spiders
Odonate exuvia
Insects and Spiders
Green Bottle Fly - Lucilia sericata
Insects and Spiders
Eastern Tailed Blue - Cupido comyntas
Insects and Spiders
Tiger Swallowtail - Papilio Glaucus
Insects and Spiders
Blue-black Spider Wasp with Prey - family Pompilidae
Insects and Spiders
Flesh Fly - family Sarcophagidae (?)
Insects and Spiders
Monarch Butterfly - Danaus plexippu
Insects and Spiders
Walking Stick - family Diapheromeridae
Insects and Spiders
Tiger Swallowtail - Papilio Glaucus
Insects and Spiders
Ebony jewelwing - Calopteryx maculata
Insects and Spiders
Eastern Tailed Blue - Cupido comyntas
Insects and Spiders
Honey Bee - Apis mellifera
Insects and Spiders
Monarch Butterfly Caterpiller on Milkweed - Danaus plexippu
Insects and Spiders
Spotted Cucumber Beetle - family Chrysomelidae
Insects and Spiders
Green Lacewing - family Chrysopidae
Insects and Spiders
Clearwing Moth - family Sesiidae
Insects and Spiders
Flesh Fly - family Sarcophagidae (?)
Insects and Spiders
Karner Blue - Lycaeides melissa samuelis
Insects and Spiders
Unknown Spider
Insects and Spiders
Flesh Fly - family Sarcophagidae (?)
Insects and Spiders
Tiger Swallowtail - Papilio Glaucus
Insects and Spiders
Honey Bee - Apis mellifera
Insects and Spiders
Karner Blue - Lycaeides melissa samuelis
Insects and Spiders
Honey Bee - Apis mellifera
Insects and Spiders
American Copper - Lycaena phlaeas
Insects and Spiders
Spotted Cucumber Beetle - family Chrysomelidae
Insects and Spiders
Karner Blue - Lycaeides melissa samuelis
Insects and Spiders
Thread-waisted Wasp - subfamily Sphecinae
Insects and Spiders
Flesh Fly - family Sarcophagidae (?)
Insects and Spiders
Monarch Butterfly - Danaus plexippus
Insects and Spiders
Red Eyed Fly - family unknown
Insects and Spiders
Honey Bee - Apis mellifera
Insects and Spiders
Flesh Fly - family Sarcophagidae (?)
Insects and Spiders
Edwards's Hairstreak (Satyrium edwardsii)
Insects and Spiders
European Skipper, Thymelicus lineola
Insects and Spiders
Unknown Grasshopper on Dried Flower
Insects and Spiders
Ebony Jewelwing - Calopteryx maculat
Insects and Spiders
Cicada - family Cicadidae
Insects and Spiders
Black Swallowtail - Battus philenor
Insects and Spiders
Jumping Spider with Prey - family Salticidae (?)
Insects and Spiders
Mating Grasshoippers
Insects and Spiders
Flesh Fly - family Sarcophagidae (?)
Insects and Spiders
Stinkbug - Extreme Macro

Insects and spiders - and more! This gallery features photos of  insects and arthropods generally from southwest Michigan. The only insects you won't find here are dragonflies - who hae their own gallery.

In general I have attempted to identify the insect to at least the taxonomic family level to the best of my abilities. But I'm not an entomologist and identifications from photos is always a little iffy - so please do not consider my identifications to be authoritative at all. Hopefully they will point you in the right direction, though. 


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