126th Avenue, Allegan County, MchiganAbandoned PerchWildlife RefugeFrying PanSwan Creek DamSpentUnderfootRural ChurchyardDownpourEffluenceUnder a Heavy SkyComfy ChairJoe TreeClear Cut IClear Cut IIAftermathOn the BeachBig GameBackroadOn the Pine BarrensWaiting for a TrainFence RowUnknownAbandoned StairsBush and PoleDogwood and DeadwoodSiloWalkwayMountain TopMorning CommuteBones on a CartOn The RoadEnd of the RoadGhost LightIn IndianaOne Bright MorningTourists at Lincoln's TombWindmills in ParadiseMallows Bay, MarylandFerry Point, MarylandCrooked Tree at Ferry Point, MarylandTrees At TwilightIndiana SpringOn the Back RoadsEnd of SummerThunderhead of Lake SuperiorSunset Near SkaneeMunising Falls
The back roads - those in between places. Sometimes close to the wilds, sometimes close to the city, always interesting. I often reach for the Holga or other toy camera when photographing in these spaces.
Abandoned PerchWildlife RefugeFrying PanSwan Creek DamSpentUnderfootRural ChurchyardDownpourEffluenceUnder a Heavy SkyComfy ChairJoe TreeClear Cut IClear Cut IIAftermathOn the BeachBig GameBackroadOn the Pine BarrensWaiting for a TrainFence RowUnknownAbandoned StairsBush and PoleDogwood and DeadwoodSiloWalkwayMountain TopMorning CommuteBones on a CartOn The RoadEnd of the RoadGhost LightIn IndianaOne Bright MorningTourists at Lincoln's TombWindmills in ParadiseMallows Bay, MarylandFerry Point, MarylandCrooked Tree at Ferry Point, MarylandTrees At TwilightIndiana SpringOn the Back RoadsEnd of SummerThunderhead of Lake SuperiorSunset Near SkaneeMunising Falls
Mr. Cassino, I love your pictures, I was first introduced to them in 2005 in Orlando, FL. I now live in Ruidoso NM and still love your pictures. They are some of the most comforting pictures when I need to decompress after a hard day at the middle school with the kids. Thank you so much for bringing such joy to those of us who have not yet gotten to take the trips you have. Thank you again.
1 comment
Comment from: Deb Mangan Visitor
Mr. Cassino, I love your pictures, I was first introduced to them in 2005 in Orlando, FL. I now live in Ruidoso NM and still love your pictures. They are some of the most comforting pictures when I need to decompress after a hard day at the middle school with the kids. Thank you so much for bringing such joy to those of us who have not yet gotten to take the trips you have. Thank you again.
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